Can I receive permanent makeup while breastfeeding?

Unfortunately you cannot be pregnant or nursing because of the lidocaine in the anesthetics cream.

How long will the appointment take?

Depending on the procedure, the initial appointment will take about 1-3 hours. If your appointment includes a second session it will take about 15 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the artist and technique.

How long is the healing time?

Most permanent makeup heals in 7-14 days with minimal flaking for a few days in between. They may be dark, bold, or bright until the flaking process is done.

What is the aftercare?

Brows will appear slightly dark for 5-10 days until they are done flaking. No sweating after for 7-10 days. No sun for 4 weeks. No picking the flakes. No direct water pressure in the shower. No chemical peels or laser treatments for 4 weeks. We will provide an aftercare kit with a cleanser and cream to care for your brows along with very detailed instructions. For eyeliner: No eye makeup for 7-10 days. Eyes may be slightly swollen for 1-3 days. For lips: Avoid spicy Foods until done flaking. Lips may be slightly swollen.

Who cannot receive permanent makeup?

Those who are pregnant, nursing, HIV positive, have certain immunodeficiency disorders, have been on Accutane or chemotherapy in the past year, are hemophiliac, or have eczema/rosacea on tattoo area. Autoimmune diseases will require a doctors note of approval. You must be off any lash growth serums 6 months before your procedure. If you get cold sores and desire a lip tattoo, you must get a prescription of Valtrex or antiviral to take beforehand to eliminate the risk of an outbreak. No eyelash extensions or contacts can be worn during eyeliner tattoos. 

How often do I need touch ups and how much?

It is best to wait for the tattoo to be considerably faded before coming back for a touch up in order to keep a natural results. Most people come back around 2-5 years depending on the technique and persons skin type. Touch ups are 40% off of the current price of that service for existing clients only.

Can I wet my brows during healing?

For 24 hours no wetting. After that you can wet your brows, but don’t let the water pressure hit your face in the shower. You will be gently cleansing your brows with an antibacterial soap for 7-10 days to prevent infection. The soap will be provided.

Why can’t I sweat during healing?

The saline in our sweat will push out the pigment through the pores and you will be left with no tattoo.